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China Bistro Asian Fusion

1 Jan

Best Western Hoover Dam Hotel 附近 China Bistro Asian Fusion, Boulder City Nevada

Taipei to Chung Yuan University 台北往中原大學

6 Feb

台北車站北一門 M1搭乘國光客運1818A 往中原大學。注意1818是 往中壢車站,只有部份車班往中原大學,請搭乘註明中原大學或 Chung Yuan的車班。

台北車站北一門 M1

國光北一門 1818 中原大學候車站,後方可見北一門 M1

國光1818A往 中原大學

國光號1818A 中原大學

Taipei 1818 to Chung Yuan

國光1818A 中原大學行車路線

台北北一門至中原大學時刻表 106年9月9日,請注意是否更新。周六只二班往台北,周日停開。


小孫女的畫 Little Granddaughter’s drawings

24 Dec

聖誕老人 Santa Claus

我在玩 Playing

Evie and Henry

貓 Cat

朋友 Friends

口琴與口琴書 Harmonica and books

3 Aug

口琴與口琴書 Harmonica and books

口琴 24孔 & 10孔

口琴盒 24孔 & 10孔



口琴天堂 台北市興隆路1段1號2樓,捷運新店線萬隆站
24 孔 Harp Paradise 台灣製NT 580+-
10 孔Harp Paradise Magic Blues NT 300+-

口琴 18招 王耀賢編著 大陸書局 NT 200
口琴大全 李孝明編著 大陸書局 NT 380
口琴自學練習法 陳祖賜編著 大陸書局 NT 150
口琴 吹奏技法 楊翠琴編著 金石堂書店 NT 200

大陸書局 – 台北市衡陽路79號
金石堂書店 – 新北市中正路190號,(北新路二段252號無此書)


中原母親節合唱比賽 Chun-Yuan Mother’s Day Choir Competition

13 Jul

憶當年中原母親節合唱比賽 Chun-Yuan Mother’s Day Choir Competition


建築系各班經常名列前茅 1967-72年

Cucumber, Amaranthus and Morning Glory 黃瓜、莧菜與牽牛花

28 Jun

Cucumbers planted along the fence in May.

A lot of Amaranthus grow on their own in one corner.

Cucumbers shown after some Amaranthus are removed.

Morning Glory on another corner.

我孫女的畫 Drawings By My Granddaughter

21 May

Drawings by my granddaughter 我孫女的畫

Running out of the house to play without asking mommy and daddy.

Out to play on a sunny day.

Playing outside with mommy working in the house regarding the earth.
playing with an elephant, rabbit, monkey, and a dog eating candy all day and night.


Princess taking picture by tree because she thinks the tree is very beautiful. That’s what the artist said.

Flowers in the ocean with a bridge over the flowers on a sunny day.

Lost unicorn on a farm, all the other animals are in the house with the farmer.

All drawings were produced by 4 1/2 year-old Evie.
You see, every drawing has a story in it.

我的休閒勞動 My Garden Works

18 May


My garden works this year.
Rubber edging around Chinese chives and bricks under roof drip edge.

Me and My Little Brother

4 May

Me and My Little Brother

My 4+ year-old granddaughter’s drawing.

We Went to the Zoo

3 May

Mommy and I watched butterfly and mermaid

Excellent drawing done by my 4+ year-old granddaughter.